
Terms, Conditions and Carrier Responsibilities

Loads may not be double brokered for any reason. “The Carrier” must move the load on their own equipment and insurance.

All freight must have adequate insurance coverage at all times. “The Carrier” agrees to, in no way, back solicit any type of business from any parties involved in “The Load Agreement” for a minimum period of one year from the delivery date of the last shipment. Driver is not to leave the shipper without adequate paperwork. All addresses on, “The Shipment Paperwork”, must be checked against: “The Load Agreement” information for discrepancies; “Loads Unlimited Inc” must be contacted prior to the shipment leaving its source and “The Carrier” must obtain a receipt of response from “Loads Unlimited Inc” should this occur. All correspondence and communication regarding the information of “The Load Agreement” is totally confidential and must be through “Loads Unlimited Inc” directly and no other parties without acceptation.  “The Carrier” will provide accurate shipment tracing free of any embellishments. “The Carrier” will provide adequate service in compliance with the requirements of “The Load Agreement” including but not limited to: all equipment required to satisfy “The Load Agreement” must be in good working order. All temperature controlled freight must be provided a reliable and adequate source of transportation. Failure to maintain required temperatures may result in an insurance claim for damaged product to which the carrier will accept full responsibility. “Loads Unlimited Inc” will have ninety days to advise “The Carrier” in writing with an “Intent to Claim”. “The Carrier” accepts full responsibility of the freight in tow including but not limited to: protection from and coverage for theft from shipment source to delivery. In the event of any changes whatsoever to “The Load Agreement” this contract may be found void by “Loads Unlimited Inc”; “The Carrier” must immediately advise “Loads Unlimited Inc” and “The Carrier” must obtain a receipt of response from “Loads Unlimited Inc” should this occur. All rates are based on footage used only. In the event freight booked requires less footage rates will be adjusted. Similarly, if freight has potentially used more footage than booked, “The Carrier” must provide: accurate measurements with a measuring instrument, documented on the original paperwork with “The Shipper” signature of acknowledgment of this change and “The Carrier” must obtain a receipt of response from “Loads Unlimited Inc” should this occur. Outside of this procedure no compensation will be entertained for any reason. No parties mentioned in “The Load Agreement” may be held accountable for cancelled freight in any way unless otherwise agreed upon in writing on “The Load Agreement”. No charges outside of the written details of “The Load Agreement” will be accepted. Agreed upon rates, are by design, initiated at “The Shipper” and are in the same way satisfied at “The Consignee”. Mileage outside of these parameters is therefore irrelevant. As “Loads Unlimited Inc” is neither shipper or receiver “Loads Unlimited Inc” can not guarantee freight booked in any form; therefore, any fees attached to trucks or orders not used are irrelevant and are subsequently denied. It is the responsibility of “The Carrier” to notify “Loads Unlimited Inc” of any changes to “The Load Agreement” that may result in: late pick-ups and or deliveries, accessorial charges and any potential waiting time during or before these times in question. “The Carrier” must obtain a receipt of response from “Loads Unlimited Inc” should this occur. Consequently, all charges after they have occurred will be denied. All accessorial charges must be pre-approved by “Loads Unlimited Inc” and billed at time of original invoicing accompanied by a Proof of Delivery signed by a corresponding shipper or receiver confirming in writing times and or any accessorial charges, which are then still subject to approval. 1st come appointments will not collect waiting time unless specifically agreed upon in writing prior to the appointment in written on “The Load Agreement”. Any kind of “Driver Hold Over” charges will be capped at a maximum of one hundred dollars’ Canadian funds unless otherwise specifically agreed upon in writing in “The Load Agreement. Regarding full loads: “The Carrier” agrees to allow two hours for loading and two hours for unloading from the time the driver is given a dock. Regarding less than truck load shipments, “The Carrier” agrees to allow one hour for loading and one hour for unloading from the time the driver is given a dock. No times will be authorized for a truck/driver in any form of “Line Up”. All authorized waiting time is capped at a maximum amount of fifty dollars’ Canadian funds per hour unless otherwise specifically agreed upon and mentioned in writing in “The Load Agreement”. Waiting times including 1st come shipments will not be processed unless approved by the customer, shipper or the receiver providing written times in and times out with corresponding signatures. All Appointments must be kept. Failure to do so will result in the inability to compensate any carrier for downtime or waiting time and as a result the Shipper/Receiver may enforce financial penalties at their discretion. Drivers are required to check in upon all pickups/deliveries when driver arrives. Blind shipments must be kept confidential from the shipper/receiver as detailed in “The Load Agreement”. Disclosed information will have serious financial penalties. All shipments are subject to the information provided within “The Load Agreement”. Payment terms will be forty days upon receipt of invoice from “The Carrier”. These terms will supersede and otherwise override any and all terms in place set forth by “The Carrier” and “The Carrier” assumes responsibility of these terms, conditions and carrier responsibilities on behalf of any and all “Partner Carriers”, “The Carrier” so chooses to rely on. Only an authorized member of “The Carrier” may acknowledge this form.